Cabin Interior
Interconnexion Systems

Drives for aircraft components

Cabin Interior Interconnexion Systems from EME are renowned for time-tomarket and quality on both build-to-print and build-to-design basis. As a leading supplier of aerospace electrics, we provide cabin harnesses as well as PES/EDS harnesses for most modern aircraft cabins.

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Cabin Harness

As a leading supplier of floor-to-floor harnesses, our solutions seamlessly integrate with the most advanced aircraft cabin hatrack systems. EME excels in time-to-market and quality on both build-to-print and build-to-design projects.


Cabin Harness

Our floor-to-floor harnesses power the modern aircraft cabin, including sophisticated ceiling systems. EME delivers exceptional time-to-market and quality, whether it’s build-to-print or build-to-design.


Cabin Harness

Designed for today’s innovative aircraft cabins, our floor-to-floor harnesses perfectly support advanced sidewall systems. EME leads the way in time-to-market and quality for both build-to-print and build-to-design.

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Cabin Harness
Entrance Area

Supporting the most modern aircraft cabins, our floor-to-floor harnesses enhance functionality in entrance areas. EME is renowned for its time-to-market and quality in both build-to-print and build-to-design solutions.


Cabin Harness
Door/Door frame

Our floor-to-floor harnesses enable the cutting-edge technology in aircraft door and doorframe systems. EME ensures rapid time-to-market and exceptional quality for build-to-print and build-to-design requirements.


PES/EDS Harnesses

EME offers build-to-print and build-to-specification manufacturing of electrical wiring harnesses and cables. Our electronic drive seat (EDS) harnesses are of utmost quality and delivered on-time.

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PES/EDS Harnesses

EME offers build-to-print and build-to-specification manufacturing of electrical wiring harnesses and cables. Our passenger entertainment harnesses (PES) are of utmost quality and delivered on-time.

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Contact our team